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International Space: RSCC Deputy Director General Evgeny Buydinov heads Operations Committee of Intersputnik

Evgeny Buydinov, Deputy Director General for Communications Systems Development and Operation at RSCC, has been elected Chairman of the Operations Committee of Intersputnik.

The Operations Committee consists of 25 national signatories of Intersputnik and defines the organization's technical policy, handles the matters of its financial policy and equity capital.

Evgeny Buydinov will take office on June 15 and will hold it for the next three years. The results were announced at the joint 51st session of the Council and 26th session of the Operations Committee of Intersputnik in Baku.

"RSCC and Intersputnik have a reliable partnership, RSCC is a long-standing signatory of the organization. And I am very happy about today's decision of the session attendees and sure that it will not only expand our cooperation but also develop important projects for the benefit of all Intersputnik signatories," said Evgeny Buydinov.

Previously, the RSCC Deputy Director General already headed this structure back in 2008 and has an in-depth understanding of its internal work processes. Also, the powers of chairman of the Operations Committee were temporarily transferred to Evgeny Buydinov in 2021 after the incumbent, Ksenia Drozdova, was elected Director General of Intersputnik.