Dmitry Chernyshenko: Communications Industry Strategy Based on Modern and Reliable Solutions to Ensure Russia’s Technological Sovereignty
Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Chernyshenko held the first strategic session on developing the communications industry strategy until 2035. More than 300 persons took part in the session: leading experts of the industry, representatives of the communications operators, leading companies, state corporations and industry associations.
The work was distributed between assigned teams focusing on the following areas:
- Fixed Communications;
- Mobile Communications;
- Satellite Communications;
- Telecommunications Technologies;
- Scientific Development;
- Human Resources;
- Legal Regulation;
- Finance;
- Information Security.
Within a month, the session will produce the following deliverables:
- proposals on achieving technological sovereignty in the industry;
- forecast of the demand for telecommunications equipment;
- strategy implementation plan, including financing and legal regulation.
During the session, the issues of human resourcing, determining the needs for competencies, formation of proposals for educational standards and volumes of graduates were also discussed.
“The communications industry is the basis of strategic development in the modern world. Today, it is a stage and instrument of technological warfare, with all the consequences that come with it. In the current context, the strategy development has become an even more urgent task”, Dmitry Chernyshenko noticed.