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Satellite to keep an eye on the crop: RSCC signs a cooperation agreement with Don State Technical University, Agricultural Research Center “Donskoy” and “Mediapark South Region - DSTU” Foundation

Mutual efforts aimed at effective import substitution and assistance to export of the Russian services, developments, technologies and educational programs will allow to use the scientific and technical potential of the partners effectively. It has already been agreed that in spring 2022 new satellite technologies of Russian Satellite Communications Company providing precise point positioning of the agricultural machinery will be tested in the Rostov region, including on the site of Agricultural Research Center “Donskoy”. The tests are aimed to adapt the developed satellite equipment to the samples of agricultural machinery most widely used in Russia.

The agreement also provides joint outreach and awareness-raising work aimed at promoting digital services and technologies and teaching them, as well as searching for new areas and projects for joint participation with companies of the Russian South.

“This is a landmark moment when our partners and we moved from the first discussions of space communication capabilities in precise point positioning for agriculture to development of ready-made solutions and testing of agricultural machines and satellite equipment in just a few months,” emphasized Alexey Volin, RSCC Director General. – We are absolutely sure that cooperation will not be limited to this aspect only, we very much hope for our cooperation in development of new IT-solutions for the equipment being tested. We also aim to contribute to the DSTU educational programs and will be glad to see students and research staff of the university in our enterprise”.

DSTU principal Besarion Meskhi also noted the significance of the signed agreement: “Signing of the agreement is particularly relevant in the circumstances concerned. It is necessary to speed up the work we have started, and its results should be promoted not only at the regional but also at the federal level”.