Preflight tests are nearing completion of the advanced Express-AMU3 and Express-AMU7 communication and broadcasting satellites
“Ground tests of the new telecommunication satellites Express-AMU3 and Express-AMU7 are at the final stage. The launch vehicle for the spacecraft stands ready to be delivered to the Baikonur launch base,” Yu.V. Prokhorov at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2021.
The satellites, AMU3 and AMU7, are designed to provide digital communication and broadcasting services across the territory of the Russian Federation, including access to the Internet and television and radio broadcasting.
The Express-AMU3 and Express-AMU7 spacecraft are scheduled to be placed in their orbital positions at 103 and 145 degrees E, respectively. The spacecraft were manufactured by the ISS Reshetnev Company and Europe’s Thales Alenia Space Italia.