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RSCC congratulates MTUCI on the occasion of its 100th anniversary

It was founded on the basis of the Electrotechnical College of People's Communications in 1921 as the Moscow Electrotechnical Institute of People's Communications (MEIPT) named after V.N. Podbelsky. Over the period of its centuries-old history, the educational institution has been continuously developing and improving, the name and structure have changed, the volume of tasks to be addressed has grown, and with them - the history of successes and achievements.

Today MTUCI is one of Russia’s largest educational and research centers in the field of information technology, telecommunications and radio engineering. For many years RSCC and MTUCI have been linked by strong partnerships. RSCC has been a member of the University Board of Trustees since 2017. Many RSCC employees are graduates of this university. In order to improve the quality of educational services in the field of satellite communications and attract young specialists to the satellite industry RSCC avails MTUCI students of opportunities to undergo training in various RSCC departments and services. In addition, joint research work is carried out in the interests of RSCC, and important tasks are being tackled to ensure high-quality and reliability of satellite communications.

The RSCC team congratulates the MTUCI colleagues on such a significant anniversary and wishes them further professional success, fruitful scientific work, new discoveries and breakthrough achievements for the good of Russia!