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RSCC introduces extra measures to combat Covid-19

Among other things, the maximum number of employees will be ordered to work-from-home format until January 15, 2021. Concurrently, monitoring is intensified over the wearing of individual protective gear by employees in the central office, in the Shabolovka technical center, Vladimir Satellite Communications Center (SCC) and in the SCCs that are branches of RSCC.

An expanded set of anti-Covid-2019 measures is also preserved, which includes monitoring the workers’ health status, canceling cultural events, transferring to the online format as many as possible business and other meetings and seminars, limiting the number of business trips and participation in online exhibitions, etc.

This regime went into effect at the company on October 5, 2020, and has now been extended until January 15, 2021.

It should also be emphasized that RSCC continues to be in constant interaction with Rossvyaz, the Ministry of Digital Development and the Moscow City Hall in the implementation of measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection.